Tip of the Week: LAMB

He Said:


Where I come from it’s a Sunday roast at mum’s. Wrap it in pita and you’ve got yourself the greatest late night alcohol absorber known to man. Sausages, chops, cutlets, breakfast, lunch and tea – Lamb is a staple found everywhere and in this diner’s opinion – bloody beautiful. State side however it isn’t so popular. Yes you can get it in a lot of restaurants but not to the same degree as found in Australia, New Zealand or England. I however still crave it constantly and lately have made it a mission to find the best lamb in the Pacific Northwest with ONE sort of surprising result.


This may sound stupid as obviously locally grown stuff will be better, but a lot of local 5 star restaurants and top-end super markets out there get their lamb from New Zealand and Australia. This is not the right decision. For some reason it isn’t lamby enough. I’m not sure if it’s the long trip over the Pacific or if those cheeky bastards down there are picking the best for themselves and sending over the leftovers... but I’ve found the lamb to lack that lamby flavor I’ve grown to love love.

The hot tip for lamb in the Pacific Northwest – Oregon.

Yes Oregon. If you see Oregon lamb on a menu somewhere buy it immediately! And for even more detail, check out my favorite producer at http://www.oregonlamb.com/. You won’t regret it.


1 comment:

Carrie said...

I just got back from the San Juans this past weekend and there are a ton of sheep up there, I was surprised. Though I think they were more for shearing and not for eating. Pity.