Why Date Night?

After moving in together in 2008, we decided that, although we spent every waking day together (literally), we felt it was important to pick one day a week to actually spend QUALITY, pre-planned, thought-out time together... This is crucial to any quality relationship, as we have - sometimes painfully - learned over the past 8+ years together.

We also both love to discover new restaurants and haunts in this incredible city, so why not combine the two...
and VOILA! Date Night was born!

Now, back in the US after a two-year stint living in Europe, we are excited to get Date Nights going again - bigger and better than ever (with an even more advanced palette, and an appreciation for fine dining and good customer service)!

Follow us as we share our dating adventures at local restaurants and events!
... The good, the bad, and the (often times incredibly) ugly!!