Snow in the City and Harry Potter

Harry Potter @ The IMAX

She Said:

This Date Night post is less about the fabulous time we had, and more about Date Night perseverance.

Monday the 22nd of December, Seattle was hit with an unusual amount of snow for mid-November. As most of you who live in the Northwest know, Seattleites + Snow = the biggest disaster known to man. This video should give you a good idea of just how we handle the icy and snowy conditions (this was 5 blocks from my office):

That said... Brett and I had planned on a Monday night Date Night to go see Harry Potter at the IMAX, and have a nice dinner on Queen Anne to start it off right. I even had a little Hermione Granger costume i was going to wear to get into the spirit of things (costumes on date nights are ALWAYS a good idea).

Unfortunately, things did not go quite as planned. Our tickets were for 7.30 pm. Since I work up on Capitol Hill, we knew it’d be a risk trying to get home in the dark, so I had Brett come and pick me up. He left the house (1.3 miles from my office) at 4.30pm.

He didn’t arrive until 6.30. That’s right. TWO HOURS in traffic to get me.

“Mandy, you idiot, why didn’t you just walk?!
” you ask???

GREAT question. That morning I had gotten a cortisone injection in my ankle due to a past injury, so I was in worlds of pain and was barely able to stand, let alone walk.

So, Brett battled the traffic and finally rescued me. And it took the entire hour to get back to Seattle Center, where we snagged drive through McDonalds on the way to the movie. Romantic.

We did make it to the film, though, just in time for previews.

The movie was fabulous (the best one since the first one!), and if you get a chance to see it in IMAX, do it.

But the REAL moral of this story is, whatever obstacles – whether it’s the winter Snowmageddon of 2010, a bum ankle you can’t walk on, or any other crazy natural disaster thrown in your path ...

Make sure you power through and keep your Date Nights. We had an adventure out there, but in the end was totally worth it.

Plus, who doesn’t love a city covered in snow??

Happy Dating!

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