Holiday Date Ideas!


A yearly tradition of ours here at Brett and Mandy Date Night is to provide you with a fun list of great things to do and see in the city this holiday season! And, while this year we've been TERRIBLE at posting, we are making sure this is one tradition that holds true.

So, without further ado, i give you our
Holiday Date Night Ideas!

We start off with some of the city's most well-received holiday theater offerings.

A Christmas Carol
ACT Theater
November 26 - December 26

A Christmas Story
5th Avenue Theater
November 26 - December 30

The Nutcracker Ballet
McCaw Hall
November 26 - December 27

Intiman's Black Nativity
The Moore Theater
December 9 - 26

An Improvised A Christmas Carol
Unexpected Productions
November 26 - December 23

An English Christmas
Benaroya Hall
December 15

Christmas Stockings: A burlesque fund-raiser
Rendezvous - Jewel Box Theater
December 18, 7pm

The Maldives and The Moondoggies - 5th Annual Holiday Show
Showbox at the Market
December 18, 8pm

Homo for the Holidays
Oddfellows Hall (on Capitol Hill)
December 24, 8pm

For a pretty comprehensive list of other shows to see this season, click HERE!

And, if you're wanting something a little less theater, but still embodies all the fun of downtown during the holiday season, be sure to hit up Winterfest at Seattle Center (for ice skating, carousel rides, and more!), or the Carousel and Santa at Westlake Center.

And the Downtown Seattle Association has put together a FABULOUS website that is a great resource if you're looking for something fun this holiday season: Click here!

Still at a loss for something fun to do for a Holiday Date Night? Email Me! I'd love to help inspire you!

1 comment:

Shannon said...

GREAT ideas, thanks for the list!