Our very own Date Night ghost!

Hello friends!

This post is completely off the track of our normal Date Night posts, but I just had to share with you our story. It’s too weird not to.

Brett and I have a pet ghost.

It’s true. Our apartment is haunted. This of course freaks me out, but Brett couldn’t be happier. While the thought of having a ghost frightens the bejeezus out of me, this is no ordinary ghost. It’s a DATE NIGHT ghost.

What do I mean?

Well... I’ll tell you. The ghost only comes out when Brett and I have been watching ghost shows on television. Yeah, some of you are probably thinking that it’s our heightened sense of spirits that make us think every little creek and noise we hear after watching these shows is a ghost... but this is different.

About two months ago, Brett and I were watching an episode of Ghost Adventures. We heard a loud ‘pop’!! from the kitchen. We got up to investigate, and noticed that next to the bottle of red wine we had opened a few days prior and re-corked, was the cork. It had popped out on its own. SCARY!

So, no big thing. The ghost wanted some wine.

About a month later, Brett and i were woken up at 3 in the morning to his Evo phone, which was sitting on the bed-side table, taking photo after photo on its own. 8 photos total. We looked at the pictures to see if anything out of the ordinary was captured, but nothing. although, the photos were a bit different each time, as if the camera had moved a little in between each shot. Below is a slideshow of the images... It's of the upper corner of our bedroom ... but what is that showing up in some of the images??

So. Creepy.

Things were quiet for a month, up until this last Sunday. Brett and I watched The Last Exorcism, then continued to spook ourselves by watching The Haunted marathon on Animal Planet. Three episodes later, it was time for bed. I headed to the front door to make sure it was locked, and noticed in the front bathroom, the 3 candles on the back of the toilet seat were lit. Neither Brett nor I had lit them.

Now, these aren’t normal candles. These are those electric candles that you have to blow (very hard, mind you) on a sensor on the top of each of the 3 in order for them to turn on. There has to be some force behind the blow, too... So there’s no way a slight breeze could have turned them on.

At this point, I was freaked out. Brett and I were laying WIDE AWAKE in bed when I realized it could be a lot worse. Normal ghosts are scary, and some of them aggressive. Our ghost is simply trying to set the mood! Wine and candles? Late night boudoir photo session? Yes please! Perhaps he reads our blog and is trying some of our ideas out... Who knows. But I’m anxious and a bit excited to see what he’s got in store for us next... Maybe some Barry White tunes? Flowers? A massage??

Only time will tell. And we’ll certainly keep you posted.

In the meantime, check out this unfortunate family’s ghost sighting – EEEEK!

Happy dating everyone!



Jamie said...

You gave me a date night idea! You guys should go on this Seattle Ghost Tour!!!


Mandy Kay said...

Jamie! We did that a few years ago, was SUPER fun! here's the link to our review: http://www.brettandmandydatenight.com/2009/09/haunted-date-night.html


Jamie said...

Fun! That's one tour I haven't tried but will keep in mind next time we have guests in town